Sunday, August 11, 2019

Rat smells his own hole first

In a wee bit of trouble there, Donnie?
Despite Donald Trump's conspiracy ridiculousness (what, the Clinton's control Trump's government? riiigghhhhtttt...), it makes a whole hell of a lot more sense that if Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide was either enabled or was actually murder for it to be the responsibility of the Trump administration.  Bill Clinton was a skirt chaser--Donald Trump has shown again and again that he's a sexual predator, the kind that would make a perfect fit with a sex trafficker like Epstein.

Besides, even if Clinton has a role in the upcoming documents to be released from Epstein's original trial, it's an embarrassment (and an expensive divorce from Mrs. Clinton) for the Democrats.  If (if? yeah, sure...) Trump has a role it's a disaster of epic proportions.  The President of the United States having sex with underage girls?  And young women that were trafficked as well?  Not even sure our pathetic media could explain away that.

I don't want to sound like some Trump supporter conspiracy theorist--time will tell if there was foul play or if Epstein just decided he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail (though if I were a betting man, I'd bet on the foul play).

But the plain truth is that if the Epstein documents blow up, Trump has a lot more to lose than anyone else in the entire world.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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