Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CCXXXIX--Sophie B. Hawkins: Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover

This week's tune is a bit different than my usual fare--in fact it's the type of song that generally bores me, but for some odd-ass reason this one stayed with me.  Though I'd be willing to bet my penchant for females vocalists played at least a small part.

Sophie B. Hawkins (the B. is for her middle name, Ballantine) was born in Manhattan, and like many a Friday Night Jukebox alumni has managed to turn a modicum of commercial success into a lifetime of making music.  After attending the Manhattan School of Music for a year and studying percussion, Hawkins left to begin her career in music.  She released her debut album in 1992, which featured her first hit single, and she was also nominated that year for the Best New Artist Grammy.  Hawkins would go on to release five total albums (though she's only released one since 2004), two of which hit the Billboard 200.  In keeping with what has been somewhat of a theme this year, she has released almost as many compilations (three) as she has studio albums.  Hawkins also had two singles make the top ten.  She continues to tour and also has become a painter.  What a great gig--make a little music and you, too, can become Picasso...

"Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover" was released in 1992 on Hawkins' first album, Tongues and TailsIt was her biggest charting hit, reaching #5 (with a bullet!) on the Billboard Hot 100.

Yeah...quasi-dance songs that make much use of synthesizers don't generally tend to be my kinds of songs, but there's a quaintness to Hawkins lyrics and a fierceness in her vocals that makes the song's protagonist's desire come to life.  Hawkins makes good use of her percussion training, as well as offering enough directional breaks in the music to keep it interesting.  If nothing else, her use of the age-old word "shucks"--which as far as I know, it's the only song that ever has--gives it a smile worthy moment, and the best songs so often have those special little quirks that keep you listening again and again...just to hear that special little quirk again and again.  In the end, a powerful performance by Hawkins plus a universal theme makes for a dandy little tune.

Lyric Sheet:  "Shucks, for me there is no other/You're the only shoe that fits/I can't imagine I'll grow out of it..."


Fuck Donald Trump,

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