Thursday, May 9, 2019

Rage against the dying of the light

Yes, it is a Sisyphean task... 

It's easy, I know, after a little more than two years of one outrageous Trump stunt or remark after one outrageous stunt or remark to roll your eyes and move on.  Frankly, it takes me about thirty seconds to get through what used to be one of my favorite blogs, Digby's Hullabaloo, because anymore it's one long "Look at what Donald Trump did!" rant after another and after a while it gets tiresome.

But really, I should be celebrating what Digby is doing because she's one of the many people stepping forward to save our democracy.

Last night at a rally in Florida, Donald Trump asked his deplorable supporters what can be done about immigration, and one of his supporters responded deplorably, shouting "Shoot them!"  Which, unsurprisingly, was met with cheers and laughter.

As horrible of a President as George W. Bush was, he never would have let this remark pass.  Nor would have his father, or the most damaging President in my lifetime, Ronald Reagan, or weak kneed Gerald Ford, or disgraced Richard Nixon.  They would have said that's not America and quickly rebuked the remark.

Not Donald Trump.  He basically said how they could get away with this in the Florida Panhandle, but not anywhere else.  Then he swayed a bit and moved on with his speech.

Ladies and gentleman, this is not fucking normal.  This is not American, nor will it make America great again.  It is hate, pure and simple, and by failing to rebut it, Donald Trump tacitly endorsed it.

Think about that:  the President of the United States implied it was acceptable to murder immigrants.

We basically have 18 months to rage against the dying of our Democracy and present a better path forward that will garner enough support to end Donald Trump's "Presidency."

Failure is not an option.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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