Sunday, March 6, 2016


For all of our hand wringing over republican obstructionism concerning President Obama's upcoming nomination of a new Supreme Court justice, I truly believe that eventually it will be considered one of the biggest political blunders in American political history.

For one, as the republican party implodes it's looking more and more like we're going to have a Democratic administration come January 2017.  Anyone who thinks Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is going to appease republicans with a moderate candidate (as President Obama perhaps might if republicans would meet him halfway) is absolutely kidding themselves.  I'm guessing we're talking someone in the mold of Ruth Bader Ginsburg when Clinton or Sanders make their choice to replace Scalia.

Second, the American people have an innate sense of fairness, and very few of them--even republican voters--aren't seeing through the republican bullshit.  Barack Obama was overwhelmingly re-elected in 2012 and he serves through January 2017 and most Americans believe the choice for the next Supreme Court Justice is and rightfully should be his.

This may well have a huge impact on who controls the Senate come next year--republican Senators are taking a beating over their obstructionism and even republican Senate stalwarts like John McCain and Chuck Grassley have seen their approval numbers plummet.  While I doubt either McCain or Grassley will find themselves unemployed next January both could easily lose the crossover Democratic voters they usually garner which would make their races considerably tighter--and the tighter the races the more money republicans are going to have to spend on Senate campaigns that could have been won easily.  And that means less money for Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Hampshire, and Illinois--races where Democrats are probably even money (if not better) to win.

And that's before Democratic Senate candidates start hammering their opponents with ads over their Supreme Court obstructionism.

Mark my words:  republicans will long rue the day they took this track.


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