Saturday, March 5, 2016

A very real silent majority

I happened to be watching some news story about a Donald Trump rally and in the background you could see some bozo holding a sign which proclaimed that he was part of the "silent majority."  If you're a student of politics, you know this silent majority  bullshit was first expressed by noted psychopath and only American President to resign in disgrace, Richard Nixon, and is a republican rallying cry for idiots who really are too ignorant to realize that the majority of  Americans actually don't fucking agree with them.

Anyhoo, I was thinking about it because my wife, who is the least political person I know (she only votes in Presidential elections and really doesn't spend more than two minutes a year thinking about politics) nearly knocked me out of my chair the other day when she told me that she couldn't believe people were actually stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump and that she found these people quite disconcerting.

Methinks Donald Trump and his minions are going to be mighty surprised this November to discover that the real silent majority in America is going to be folks who think a lot more like my wife than those who gobble up what passes for wisdom uttered from the lips of the Donald.


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