Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Who's fooling who?

President Obama today took some common sense executive actions to close some gun buying loopholes, keep guns out of the hands of criminals, and spend more money on mental health care.  All of which are designed to keep the American people a whit safer.

Republicans, needless to say, are apoplectic, with screams of protecting Americans, protecting the Second Amendment, Obama's going to take our guns away, repealing the executive actions when elected President (good luck with that), ISIS, and even threatening to shut down the Justice Department.  Genius Mike Huckabee said if President Obama was really concerned about American lives, that he would end abortion.  Without explaining, unsurprisingly, that if Huckabee actually cared so much about American lives, why he wasn't calling for an outright ban on guns (30,000 Americans killed every year by guns).

Make no mistake, though, about who actually cares about Americans' safety.  Republican politicians do not give a good goddamn about the American people or their safety and haven't for quite some time.  The only thing they will be protecting is the undue influence of the NRA and the profits of gun manufacturers.

Because deranged people with guns repeating mass killing after mass killing, or another child shot by a stray bullet, or another troubled soul taking his or her life, or the shattered lives of the victims' families really do not much matter to them as long as the NRA keeps filling their campaign chests and the gun manufacturers keep making an extra nickel,


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