Tuesday, January 12, 2016

POTUS on the 2016 State of the Union: 60 Second Version

This is the last one....

Well, lookee here:  despite all the republican sour grapes we've got 14.1 million new jobs, unemployment has been cut in half, the deficit is down, the number of people without healthcare has been reduced by 50%, and the auto industry, which I saved, just had its best year ever.  Oh, and gay marriage is legal in all 50 states, you self-righteous pricks.  And just to really burn your asses, Iran.  And Cuba.

The future?  An economy that works for all.  Technology that works for all.  Keeping you all safe from all the boogie men out there.

In conclusion--appeal to our better selves.  Think of how far we have come as a nation, all that we have accomplished, and know that you--America's citizens, that's right, you--can continue it.

Highlight of the night?  The Notorious RBG eschewing the Hollywood (Darling!) squeeze and giving the President a bear hug.

Lowlight of the evening?  President Obama rightly proclaiming that we are still by far and away the most powerful nation on earth...and the republicans sitting on their hands.  They can't be that fucking stupid, can they?

It's been a lovely ride, Mr. President.


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