Wednesday, August 12, 2015

To serve and protect

Just when you thought the police in America couldn't get any fucking stupider, the NYPD comes along to prove you wrong:

Seems the Sergeant's Benevolent Association in New York City is encouraging its members to shame the homeless by taking pictures of their various actions and posting them to social media.  How exactly this will reduce homelessness in New York City isn't exactly said, but then as we've seen over the past few years, police officers aren't the brightest of folks.

Also left unsaid is exactly how the NYPD serves and protects the homeless--as public servants paid by the public's taxes, shouldn't all citizens receive the same treatment from the NYPD?  Does this mean the NYPD will start taking photos and post them to Facebook of Papa John's franchisees in New York stealing wages from their workers?  Will they make tweets the next time Wall Street bankers destroy our economy with their Ponzi schemes?

Methinks not.

How anyone can trust the police in America in any shape or form anymore is completely beyond me.


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