Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Beware wolves in sheep's clothing

One of the things you can count on at tomorrow night's republican debate is for those contending for their party's nomination to try and co-opt the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren economic populism when it comes to the middle class (they still don't give a shit about the poor).  They'll talk about their policies to lift up the middle class, but truth be told, they don't have any.

They believe in income inequality about as much as they believe in climate change.  They truly believe the minimum wage is not about providing a living wage but about making sure that those beneath them on the social ladder are paid what republicans think they deserve (a dollar a day isn't out of line).  They believe if we cut taxes and regulations on corporations that Corporate America will turn around and give some of that money to us (we've all seen that movie before and it doesn't have a very happy ending).  Their true concern is for the billionaire class, not the middle class.

It'll be an evening of lies, damned lies, and no statistics.


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