Sunday, July 5, 2015

Greeks bearing a gift

Make no mistake--today's overwhelming victory for the no vote on further austerity measures in Greece is huge.  While I don't pretend to understand all of the ramifications (there is a nice primer on the Greek economic situation here), I do know this:  the banks basically told the Greek people that they were going to have to accept a new economic reality wherein they were going to have a permanently reduced standard of living, and the Greek people said "fuck you" to the wealthy elite to the tune of 61% to 38%.  It was basically a chance to vote to make rich people even richer or tell them to pound salt up their ass.

The Greeks chose wisely.

Conservative economic principles have failed on a massive scale in Greece (and pretty much throughout the world) and today they were called to the carpet and given a boot in the ass for their pathetic efforts.

Mark my words:  this has the potential to be a huge turning point for the poor, the working class, and the middle class, and one day we may very well be thanking the Greek people for their courage.


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