Sunday, July 19, 2015

Base comments

In a shocking turn, Donald Trump made headlines again this weekend with his controversial comment concerning John McCain not being a war hero because he was captured.

Let's leave aside the facts that a) it's Donald Trump, for Christ's sake, and b) any republican acting outraged is guilty of of rank hypocrisy in light of their band-aid stunt with regard to John Kerry's war record at their 2004 convention (one of the most heinous acts I've seen republicans commit, and that's really saying something because they specialize in heinous acts), Trump's comments concerning McCain's war record are his modus operandi thus far in the campaign.  He is only trying to appeal to the republican base, and the republican base absolutely hates John McCain.  McCain is and always has been a moderate on immigration, his name is front and center in the McCain-Feingold Act, which tried to reform campaign finance back in the days before Citizen's United made corporations into people, and worst of all his half-assed campaign put the black guy in the White House.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if his poll numbers went up in lieu of these comments.  It's not enough for republicans to have their party members just be republicans--you have to be a racist, human hating, corporation loving, science hating imbecile or you're just not good enough to be one of them.


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