Saturday, November 22, 2014

No, it's actually a shit sandwich

en•no•ble (ɛnˈnoʊ bəl) 

v.t. -bled, -bling.
1. to elevate in character or respect; make noble; dignify; exalt.
2. to confer a title of nobility on.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence, another in a line of republicans who will never be President, fed the republican base more salmonella laced raw meat this week when his administration took steps to ensure that 65,000 Hoosiers could lose food stamps next year, and said while touting the 50,000 people joining the workforce in Indiana since 2008 (uh, Gov, that's less than 9000 people a year, hardly a gloat worthy total), "I'm someone that believes there's nothing more ennobling to a person than a job."

Leaving aside the fact that just off the top of my head, both marriage and parenthood strike me as being considerably more ennobling than any job I've ever had, this smacks of a remark Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's made this week in which he said that denying health care coverage to poor people helps them live the American Dream--i.e., one being made by someone who has lived off the gravy train of American taxpayer dollars for far too long.

Because working in America anymore is about uniformity and not autonomy; it's about forced wage stagnation and not merit raises; it's about incompetent leadership and not entrepreneurship; it's about selfishness and not teamwork; it's about hidden agendas and not transparency; it's about unmitigated power and not cooperation; and most of all it's about unadulterated greed and not accountability.

It's not just a job--it's a shit sandwich.


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