Sunday, November 2, 2014

Grass roots

In my community, every two years we elect members to our local school board.  While I consider myself to be considerably informed on most of the other contested electoral races, to be honest I never have the slightest idea who to vote for in these elections.  So I usually vote for the women candidates because, well, women are smarter than men, and especially when it comes to kids.

So I was thrilled this past Friday when our son brought home a newsletter from school that highlighted the five candidates who would be running for the three open spots (six year terms) on our school board, and what they stood for.  This year I'd know who to vote for for these three spots.

Until I actually started reading the synopses of the candidates.

Of the five candidates, four of them were members of the Chamber of Commerce.  Anyone out there gullible enough to believe the Chamber of Commerce gives two shits about our kids?

So if you're wondering why our schools are underfunded, why our classrooms are getting larger, why charter schools and for profit schools are getting a larger and larger share of the pie (for failing miserably) that should be going to your kids, you might just take a good look at the folks who are running for your local school boards.

Because they're being put in there by the likes of the Chamber of Commerce who, in a nutshell, is probably only second to the republican party in its disdain for the needs of America's working class.


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