Friday, July 25, 2014

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends

Cannot believe I used an ELP reference in the title.  Ugh.

Every now and again, I wonder why in the fuck I'm doing this.  I mean, I could be watching "Mad Men" or "Breaking Bad" or "Lost" or any number of critically acclaimed TV shows of the last few years, all of which I have never seen a single episode.  I could also be watching (insert excellent movie released in the last five years here).  Hell, I could go back to practicing my guitar regularly.

It seems, though, that every time I think about calling it quits. some republican somewhere comes up with some egregious bullshit and pulls me back in.

This is one of those times.

Alan Hays, a republican state senator from Florida, is introducing a bill that would make it mandatory (though parents could opt out for their kids) for students in his home state to watch convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza's film, "America" which is basically a conservative circle jerk riddled with inaccuracies   Funny thing is, in a republican controlled state with a republican Governor (or what passes for a Governor) Rick Scott, it just might pass.

You know, if Mr. Hays had recommended the movie to Florida's students, I'd have no problem with it.  If he suggested it to a local chapter of young republicans (oxymoron alert!) to show at one of their meetings, it'd be fine.  But mandatory?  Christ, this is the Florida state senate, not the Politburo.

And this is why I keep blogging--I'm pretty sure if I didn't keep venting about republican lunacy that the pressure would become too great and my head would explode.


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