Monday, June 23, 2014

The courtesy of a reach around

For  a number of years when I worked for Kmart, we were led by numerous former military service members.  They were neither more, nor less ineffective than any of the other bozos who led the company while I worked there.  The one major difference, though, was that they tended to be a bit more surprised than the non-military leaders when their directives weren't always followed to the letter.  I always thought their surprise was easily explained--many of them had spent their military careers leading men and women who had signed up for the armed forces with the express consent that they were willing to die in service to their country.  That commitment leads to a certain rigidness in discipline.

Unfortunately for their type of leadership, I'm pretty certain that no one ever signed on to die for Kmart.

I mention this because republicans seem hell bent on turning military service into an even worse abyss than is corporate service.  From calling the parents of servicemen traitors to voting to inadequately fund care, republicans are doing all they can to corporatize the military.  This week, Sen. Ron Johnson, republican from Wisconsin,  actually said that it costs too much to fund the VA.

I wonder how many prospective military members will be given pause knowing that, should the worst occur and an arm or a leg (or both) get blown off in service to their country, that republicans believe it's too expensive to take care of that arm or leg.


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