Monday, June 30, 2014


While much of today's hand-wringing over the decision to allow Knobby Jobby to refuse to cover birth control for their employees is warranted, in the long term this decision by arguably the worst Supreme Court in the history of our country could end up opening a can of worms that conservatives will forever wish had been kept sealed:

1)  I kept this piece from a couple of months ago--the prediction proved wrong (it called the Knobby Jobby argument DOA), but the strategy of turning corporate personhood into a detriment is not.  The decision allowing individuals at the head of a corporation to discriminate based on their religious views also erases the line between corporate entity and corporate leader--thus it could make individuals responsible as well for corporate malfeasance.
2)  Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher and every politically oriented comic in America has to be laughing with glee at the "sincerely held religious beliefs" wording in Justice Alito's opinion.  Watching courts trip all over themselves trying to decide what exactly "sincerely held religious beliefs" entails (or more likely, refusing to) as well as the nut cases who are going to try and sneak everything from doobies to doughnuts into that exemption is going to be a comedy goldmine.
3) Big business is about as popular today as is having one's eyes pierced with needles.  Think the Supreme Court deciding that corporations (however limited in scope it may be) have a right to decide\about the sexual mores of the American people is going to make big business any more popular?
4)  Republican Senate candidates Terri Lynn Land (MI) and Joni Ernst (IA) can pretty much kiss their chances of winning this November goodbye (and so can plenty of other republicans in blue learning districts/states with credible opponents).  I live in Michigan and it took all of five minutes after the Knobby Jobby decision was announced for someone to send out a petition calling out Land for supporting corporations forcing their religious ideology down our throats.  Think this isn't going to be a rallying cry for Democrats among women (who already overwhelmingly support Democrats) from now until November?

Knobby Jobby won the battle; we'll win the war.


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