Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Take a good look in the mirror, republican edition

Since news broke of  Monica Lewinsky's piece this week in Vanity Fair on her affair with Bill Clinton, republicans have been falling all over themselves to try to link the piece to Hillary Clinton, and the idea that she wants to get the scandal out of the way early, before the 2016 Presidential campaign kicks into high gear.

Leaving aside the rather silly notion that somehow Hillary Clinton has the power to make Vanity Fair insert such pieces in their magazine, it seems to me that putting this story out there for the Clintons is akin to, while hammering nails in a board, smashing your thumb on purpose early in the process because you might do so later on.  The Clintons are riding a wave of good polling numbers, they're about to become grandparents, Hillary is the odds on favorite to be the next President of the United States...and they want to have a piece run about the worst period in their lives now?

In all honesty, the minute I heard about the piece the first thing I thought's gotta be the Koch brothers.  Seriously--they have more money than God and He certainly knows what piss poor financial shape the magazine industry is in these days.  Not to mention that the Kochs are about as politically tone deaf as the KKK--it was twenty years ago, for fuck's sake.  Only republicans would still give a shit about it--the rest of us have lives to lead (and did back then, too).  And listen to what she's saying--it sounds exactly like the usual lame republican playbook defending themselves against their war on women.

Frankly, all the republicans postulating on Lewinsky's piece was just a reminder to me of the old adage about a rat smelling it's own hole first....


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