Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Gotta get down to it

Another day in America, and another mass shooting--last Friday night near the University of Santa Barbara in California and it left seven dead and seven wounded.  As is always the case after such shootings, there has  been much teeth gnashing and numerous calls for sensible gun laws.

And as is always also the case, absolutely nothing will change.  As much as I sympathize (and could not begin to imagine the sorrow of) with angry parents and as much as I agree with lawmakers and gun control advocacy groups calling for tighter gun legislation, the plain truth is that gun manufactuers and ammunition makers don't give a good goddamn what psycho-nut buys their products, or who gets killed with their products,  as long as they can keep as many people in the market to buy their products as is possible.  And they have an absolute stranglehold on our legislators through the NRA.

If we couldn't muster the political will to pass simple background checks after 20 six and seven year old children were shot to death in Newton, Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it's kind of hard to imagine a scenario that would lead to any serious changes to our gun laws for the forseeable future.


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