Saturday, November 30, 2013

David vs. Wal-mart

According to the Bible, a young man named David who believed he had righteousness on his side tossed a stone and slayed the great Philistine warrior Goliath.

Yesterday, a group called Our Wal-Mart which is fighting for better wages for the poor souls who do the actual work for Wal-Mart staged 1500--that's right, 1500--protests across the United States to call attention to poverty wages and continue their fight for a decent standard of living.

I don't know if they can win in the end, but I do know that, like David, they have righteousness on their side. And if we are to have any hope for a resurgence in the middle class their fight is vital.

These are the jobs of the future for many, many working class Americans, and unless we want to end up like many a third world country, we need these jobs to provide for a respectable standard of living and not just provide wages that don't even meet the poverty level.

It's either that or hello, Somalia.


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