Thursday, October 31, 2013

Those socialist goblins

Seems children all over America have been out and about this past evening begging for candy.  The little deadbeats think dressing up in satanic costumes and saying "trick or treat!' entitles them to free goodies.

The little bastards ought to get jobs and buy their own goddamn candy.

Pretty sure that fucking Socialist Nazi Communist Kenyan Obama is to blame for it.


1 comment:

  1. You know, I was thinking something similar earlier tonight, and almost wrote something about it. Then, I realized something.

    Halloween is the thing Republicans and Libertarians are always saying works. You see, we don't need to ask the government for aid, we just need to ask our neighbors.

    Can't afford that surgery or your cancer treatment? Don't ask the government. Your neighbors, they're always willing to chip in.

    Just ask a conservative. They all give to charity because they're such good people. They don't need the government taking their money. And if it wasn't taken, they'd give more to charity.

    Frankly, I'm surprised conservatives haven't jumped up to say, "SEE! We don't need government handouts. Your neighbors will give out candy on Halloween."

    Yeah, I wish neighbors would pay for child's surgery if that kid was wheeled up to their house in a stretcher to say, "Life or death."

    My guess is that if a parent did that, most neighbors wouldn't pull out the wallet quite as quickly as they do the candy.

    Halloween isn't a socialist holiday. It's the day that proves we need socialistic policies.
