Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My idiot congressman

Over the course of the last several years, I've sent my republican Congressman here in Michigan, Mike Rogers, numerous letters--all of which are diametrically opposed to Rep. Rogers worldview.  For whatever reason, this always triggers the sending of one of Rep. Rogers newsletters, which I always immediately unsubscribe to.  You would think, after a number of years of receiving letters from me opposed to his political views, and numerous times of unsubscribing, Rep. Rogers would get the hint that I couldn't give a fuck less what he thinks.  Not so.  (Though in fairness, I know the odds of one of my letters changing Rep. Rogers' opinion is zero, and I only send the letters to -a-  let my opinion be known, and -b- be a pain in the ass--both of which are my rights as an American citizen.)

All of which makes it especially galling to hear Rep. Rogers and his fellow republicans in Congress blather on and on about how they're standing up for what the American people want.  Rep. Rogers doesn't care any more for what the American people want than he does for their well-being.  He's a trained monkey, spouting republican talking points--most of which, like that the President won't negotiate (Negotiate over what, you fucking moron?  The President and his fellow Democrats are asking for nothing.) are lies.

It's endemic to Rep. Rogers whole party--as my zip code splits two congressional districts, I occasionally have letters sent to Kerry Bentivolio (only elected because he's in a gerrymandered district--this mother fucker is so batshit insane he couldn't get a fucking job as a cashier at any legitimate business, but fucking republicans elected him) and each of the last two times I have elected not to have a response sent because a)  I don't give a shit what his reasoning for fucking over the American people is, and b) figuring I'd save his staffers from doing even more pointless work than they already do, and yet, both times I've received a response.  What, his people think I'm going to have a "bonk! should have had a V8!" moment based on responses riddled with inaccuracies (I'm being kind--they're out and out lies)?

Frankly, I've had it--these republicans are not only liars, they're flat out incompetent.

And I can sum up my response to their return letters in three words:  Fuck you, fellas.


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