Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why I'm anti-guns, period

It's popular these days for Democrats to show their support for people's Second Amendment rights (whatever the fuck that means) while still trying to push sensible gun control measures.

Not me--I'm anti-guns, period.

To be perfectly honest, if you like to wake up at the crack of dawn, stand in the freezing cold, and pump Thumper full of buckshot, be my fucking guest.  Not my cup of tea, but if it makes you happy, go for it.

I also don't have a problem with gun collectors--personally I like to collect LPs and coins, and for the life of me, I can't really figure out why other than it's cool to look at all that I've amassed.

No, the reason I'm anti-guns is because there is not one single day--let me repeat that, not one single day--when I get behind the wheel of my car to go driving, and while I'm out, that some idiot doesn't do something that could get me or my family seriously injured or killed because of their abject stupidity.  And you want me to let these same morons have a gun?  You absolutely have to be shitting me.  If it were up to me, ninety percent of Americans wouldn't have a driver's license, let alone a fucking gun.

Think gun owners are more careful than your average American driver?  Guess a-fucking-gain--seems they're just as inept, especially considering the rash of recent accidental shootings at gun shows.

We wouldn't give a child a razor blade to play with; likewise, I don't think we should give guns to idiots.


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