Thursday, January 31, 2013

The road to hell

I'll give President Obama some much deserved props for his gun proposals.  Frankly, they were a lot bolder than I thought they'd be and commit to a much broader swath of reforms.  The fact that even these modest proposals have the NRA and gun nuts frothing at the mouth is just gravy.

The reason I will maintain my healthy skepticism that anything will change regarding gun violence in America (other than the you have to be a math major at M.I.T. to count all the gun-related deaths in America over the past several decades and still our gun laws remain remarkably weak) though is the fact that the President's proposals are not being fought by the NRA as an entity for the rights of gun owners, but rather are being fought by the NRA as a wholly owned subsidiary of America's gun manufacturers.  And they're more than happy to spend any amount of money to make sure that any old idiot can continue to purchase their wares.

Because in America we all know that money talks and good jobs, sensible laws, public safety, healthy ecological conditions, and a better life for all our children walk.  Couple that with the fact that unlike just about any other manufacturer, gun manufacturers, thanks to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that our wonderful Congress passed in 2005, won't be held financially liable for deaths resulting from the guns they manufacture and you have a recipe for, well, nothing much getting done to curb gun deaths in America.

A much wiser person than I once noted that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and while I appreciate the effort President Obama and Vice President Biden put into stopping gun violence, unless they figure out a way to stop the gun lobbyists, their plans are pretty much going to hell.


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