Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The circle game

One has to wonder--in lieu of a recent New York Times investigative report this week that shows we get little or nothing from corporate welfare--when the light will go on in a lot more American's heads that giving tax breaks and incentives to corporations is as big a waste of money as would have been the bridge to nowhere.  To think of the infrastructure work we could do with this wasted money, not to mention the grants and scholarships for college, the investment in small businesses which actually create the most jobs, the shoring up of Social Security, or single payer healthcare, or....

It's just too bad more of those Americans who spend so much time whining about the relatively small amount of money we spend on welfare for individuals who actually spend the money and grow our economy aren't bright enough to figure our the tax gifts we give to corporations cost a lot more and give back a lot less.  And that corporations are basically lazy, wanting the government to grow their profits rather than do the actual work to make them grow themselves. You know, to actually earn it.

Nothing worse than a corporate welfare cheat.


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