Friday, December 21, 2012

Thanks guys! Part II

When you assure the people of a state, when you're running for governor, that you intend to stay away from certain legislation because it's "divisive" and won't further the state's economic agenda--and then change your mind, all the while sounding like a fucking little crybaby, it stands to reason that your standing in the opinion of said state's voters is likely to go down, along with your chances of re-election.

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan...come on down!

What a shock--after the weak and ineffectual Governor of Michigan flip-flopped on right-to-work for less legislation and let the republican legislature ramrod it through, his approval rating went from a positive 47-37 to a negative 36-58, a twenty-eight point reversal.  There are now only two Governors in all of America less popular than our incompetent boob.

And even better--if you're a Democrat, that is--is that all four Democrats polled as a potential matchup for Gov. Snyder in 2014 beat his ass and beat it soundly, including my favorite, State Senate Minority Leader, Gretchen Whitmer.

Well fucking done, Governor!  Let's hope Michigan voters remember how much of an lying sack of shit you are come November 2014--and allow you to begin your much deserved political retirement on January 1, 2015.


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