Friday, December 21, 2012

Thanks guys! Part I

You hate to get too overconfident (we do like to stay home on election day when we're peeved), but republicans are making it so easy on us--it's like a shark taking on a fucking guppy.

After yesterday's massive fail by John Boehner with his fiscal Plan B (mercifully preventing a bad bill, as luck would have it), it's become obvious to fucking everyone that the republican party has gone off the deep end.  The President gave up far too much, and still the Antoinettes rejected it.  Their plan?  Fuck over 99% of us for the 1%--the usual republican plan. 

And as if that wasn't enough, Wayne LaPierre, chief mouthpiece for the NRA, gave a press conference today that, in the wake of last week's mass murder in Newtown, could have been culled from the chaos of one of Dante's circles of hell.  He blamed ancient movies (Natural Born Killers for fuck's sake?), video games, the media, and President Obama in a speech that was completely divorced from reality.  It was a pathetic spectacle--and another nail in the coffin of conservatism.  Average Americans will see the NRA as tone deaf and callous; won't matter to republicans--nary a one of them will vote for an assault weapons ban or clip size limit.  And for all LaPierre's talk about putting a police officer in every school, they ain't about to pay for that without taking food out of mouths of the starving.

With each passing day it becomes more obvious that the ills of America are caused by the republican party.  From the economic collapse under Bush the Lesser to the deaths of children in Connecticut, the problems plaguing America hang over the mantle of the republican party. 

And Democrats and the President should point this out every single chance they get.


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