Saturday, November 17, 2012

Who wants to sharpen the guillotine?

Keeping in mind that in the past year one in five Americans has been short of money for food:
  • Papa John's CEO John Schnatter is threatening to cut employee hours and charge more for his shitty pizzas because of Obamacare.
  • Aetna CEO and mega-millionaire Mark Bertolini is threatening to lay off workers if corporate America doesn't get its way (less taxes for them and millionaires) in the fiscal slope negotiations.
  • An Applebee's franchise owner is threatening to stop hiring and cut employee hours because of...wait for it...Obamacare.
  • Another franchise owner, of Denny's, Dairy Queen and some other shit restaurant I never heard of is threatening to add a surcharge to his restaurant tabs and cut worker hours, again because of Obamacare.
Setting aside the fact that a) it's unseemly for fabulously wealthy people to complain because they lost a quarter due to a hole in their pants pocket, b) that most of us don't give a fuck what their day to day business problems are, we just want their products and services quickly, and c) especially for the restaurant owners, there's nothing like less help to kill your business...are these people the epitome of fucking stupid or what?

I mean, for fuck's sake, people are still really hurting financially and they're bitching about having to pitch in a few pennies to help provide healthcare to people who really need it?  Why don't they just wear sandwich boards when they walk down the street that say "PLEASE SHOOT ME!"

How they hell they ever got to the positions they're in is completely beyond me.


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