Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twenty-five reasons to vote for Obama: #2--The Democratic Party

These programs, enacted since the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration over the course of the last eighty some odd years, have one thing in common:

Social Security.  The G. I. Bill.  Medicare.  Medicaid.  The Food Stamp Act.  The Voting Rights Act.  The Affordable Care Act.  The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

The following also have one thing in common:

The successful management of World War II.  The racial integration of the U. S. military.  The space program which took us to the moon.  The ending of "Don't Ask Don't Tell."  The first sitting President to come out in support of full marriage equality.  The end of the Iraq War.  The killing of Osama bin Laden.  The end of the War in Afghanistan.

In case you have a case of Romnesia, all of these programs and actions occurred under Democratic administrations (in fairness, we reached the moon while Nixon was President but nobody other than some lameass republican would feel the moon voyage was his aspiration--it was JFK's).

You would be hard pressed--fucking hard pressed--to come up with the actions of republican administrations that have had such a positive impact on America.  Eisenhower's interstate highway projects.  Nixon started the EPA (which is a dagger in the heart of current day republicans, who would love nothing more than to completely dismantle it).  The Nixon administration was in office when the Vietnam War ended, but their role was such a fiasco as to make it a bit dubious.  Nixon opened the door to China (double-edged sword as now many of our products are made there by people earning less than a dollar an hour while we have many talented people out of work).  Some people credit Reagan for the fall of the Soviet Union (I don't).

In the end, Democratic administrations haven't made people more dependent on government, they've made government more responsible to its people.  I would hate to imagine where we'd be as a nation without the dreams of those who have lead, and continue to lead, the Democratic Party and our nation. 


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