Saturday, November 17, 2012

Apple and cherry pies

I have something of a sweet tooth (and a gut to match it) and have, over the years, bought a Hostess product or two.  I never much cared for Twinkies (boring to the taste buds is being kind) and Ding Dongs, Ho-hos, and Zingers have all gotten considerably worse over the years.  But their cupcakes (both the chocolate and the orange) and especially their apple and cherry pies were quite the junk food glory.

Yesterday Hostess announced that it is shuttering its doors after 80 years, costing over 18,000 people their jobs.  The usual suspects--Fox News, conservative media, the brain dead--are doing their best to spin this as the fault of a union refusing to accept a new contract.  In reality, it was a company asking its workers to completely capitulate, make wages that wouldn't support their families, while vastly overpaying their executives (their CEO was recently given a raise that was an increase of over 200% of his previous salary despite the company's financial troubles) whose mismanagement was responsible for much of the financial trouble the company had.  It was another vulture capitalist deal, where investors got their money and then the investment firm shit all over the workers.

I'm sure that my sweet tooth will find other junk food delights but you have to wonder how many more times American workers will get screwed while a few profit greatly financially before they wise up and the bombs--literally--start exploding.

It won't be class warfare--it will be survival.


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