Friday, March 9, 2012

No wise man has the power...

The first thought that I had when I read the title of old Nolan's tripe this week ("UAW will man class war") was "Thank God!"  I mean, who the hell else is going to do it for the working men and women of this nation?

The rest of the piece (?) was the usual republican scaremongering and lies, but arguing with them would be like trying to rationalize with a four year old about the monster underneath her bed.  Fortunately, the four year old will outgrow it.  Republicans, not so much.

It is instructional though as a means of showing republican fear.  The White House is looking more and more like a lost cause for them, and the farther away it gets, the better Dem chances for holding the Senate and retaking the House.  If the 99% Spring is half as successful as the Occupy Movement in getting the tradtional media to discuss income inequality and the ever declining middle class it could a really long November for the party of the old, the white, and the shrews.

So best to get out there early to call the Occupiers dirty hippies (yawn), complain about how the poor bond holders fared vis a vis the UAW in the auto bailout (never mind that this is capitalism--the bond holders paid their money and they took their chances--and lost), scream about class warfare (which republicans only despise when we fight back), and whine about that evil government (despite the fact that Michigan would be a fucking wasteland right now without the federal bailout of the auto industry).

Better that than to hang your hat on the Bush the lesser policies that has resulted in extreme poverty doubling, in 93% of the income gains going to the top 1% (mother fucking 93% for Christ's sake), or to face the fact that 64% of Americans believe unions should have the right to collectively bargain.  Better to scream about imaginary boogiemen than give credit where credit is due for the auto industry bailout.

Republican pols and pundits can afford to blame President Obama for all the world's ills--the backbone of this country, the men and women who actually do the work, can't afford to.  We have to eat.

And we eat much better with unions like the UAW leading the way.


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