Friday, December 30, 2011

Bullet Points--The Year End Downer

Well, here's some bitchin' news:  nearly one half of all Americans are now considered poor or low income.  Remind me again what the American dream was?  Not too hard to figure out why, though:

  • There are currently 4.25 job seekers for every job opening.  Despite record corporate profits, private America is not creating new jobs.
  • The number of people comprising the middle class in California has fallen to its lowest level since 1980, and is now less than half for the first time (49.7%).  The number has consistently fallen since 1980, which, shock of all shocks, happens to be the year the Great Decimator, Ronald Reagan, was elected President.  So much for the antointettes theories of less government enriching all of us.
  • Income inequality is not only a problem in the U. S. but across the globe.  Surprise, surprise, surprise:  overpaying executives does not trickle down to the rest of us.
  • Over the last three years, corporate tax dodging has cost states $42 billion.  Wonder how many folks were kept in poverty because social benefits were cut, education funding was cut, and government payrolls were cut so the 1% could get even wealthier....
  • Thinking about donating $25 to a beloved Progressive candidate?  Might want to think again:  between 2008 and 2010 thirty corporations spent more on lobbying than they paid in income taxes.  That $25 ought to get you a neat one way ticket to Palookaville.
  • Since the start of the Great Recession, the number of households in America that are food insecure (not able to eat three squares a day) has risen 30% to 17.2 million households, or 48.8 million Americans.  What the fuck?  How does this happen in America?  One in six people?  A sign of a great nation is not that business is booming at food banks.
And yet...we're getting a few politicians to talk about the plight of the 99%.  The traditional media is at least acknowledging that income inequality is a growing problem.  The republicans are at least a little scared that the gig is up on their class warfare malarkey.

All the more reasons to keep fighting and writing in 2012.


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