Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Arguing with the irrational

There's a group known as the American Legislative Exchange Council which is basically supported by the likes of the Koch Brothers and Wal-Mart (among others) who write or help to write legislation concerning environmental, health care, and corporate regulation, obviously to the detriment of 99% of us.

This week ALEC noted that it was an acceptable risk for 12-15,000 children a year to ingest rat poison.  They did this for the betterment of d-Con--and not for the betterment of America.  (Want to guess how many d-Con products I'll be purchasing for the rest of my life?  It's the same as the average IQ for republicans:  zero.)  Ingestion of this product leads to internal bleeding, bloody urine, bleeding gums, and blood coming out of the ears of children.

I'm all for the Kumbaya movement, but how do they expect to argue income inequality and for a fair chance for the poor and middle class against people who deem it "acceptable" that 12-15,000 children will be hospitalized yearly with internal bleeding all so d-Con can make a few more fucking pennies?


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