Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What the Mitt?

Another one bites the dust--now it's Mitt Romney (though under considerably different circumstances) who's suffering from one too many sips of the republican Kool-Aid (I'd link you to Newt Gingrich watching his chances fade like a Beatles concert t-shirt but he had the same chance I did of being the next President of the United States:  zero.)

Seems Mitt is having his "I was against the war before I was for it" moment, and shock of all shocks, the traditional media is actually calling him on it.  Living here in the Great Lakes state, I distinctly remember Mitt the native son saying the auto industry should be left to wither and die--and now the mother fucker is trying to take credit for its turnaround.  Not that he had any chance here in Michigan anyway (we have't voted red in a Presidential election since '84, and Gov. Snyder's radical agenda has pretty much ensured that no Dems will vote for a republican in 2012, period), but still there's just too much of a paper trail on this one.

I'd wonder just what the hell he was thinking, but he's a republican and I've kind of figured out how that goes by now....


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