Wednesday, September 22, 2021

They shall become death

Red states during the next pandemic

 Last year during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Showtime documentary series Vice featured an episode in which they talked to epidemiologists about the nature of pandemics.  I had three takeaways from the show:

  1. The world was statistically lucky that it went a hundred years in between the 1918 Flu Pandemic and the COVID-19 pandemic without another serious pandemic, considering the growth in globalization.
  2. As globalization will only grow, the world can expect 3-4 more pandemics between now and the year 2100.
  3. As horrific as the death toll was for COVID-19, it is nothing compared to the death toll future pandemics could potentially bring--from tens of millions killed to hundreds of millions killed.

I note this because if another pandemic should hit in the near term (say the next ten years or so) it is hard to believe, given the actions of the republican party and governors such as Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott to ignore science and put their fellow Americans at risk in the name of pleasing their dying (in more ways than one) base of voters, that republicans will ever accept masks or shutdowns again.

In so doing, we could literally end up with not just semi-trucks full of dead bodies, but the dead of America lining its streets.

And it should be a wake up call to every sane American under the age of fifty that the republican party is well on its way to becoming a death cult and should be voted out of office at every turn.

People Who Refuse the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Why Our Lives Can't Return to Normal,


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