Monday, September 27, 2021

Back to the future

Mene, mene, tekel, peres...

 I try--but don't always necessarily succeed--to not be alarmist in my blog posts.  Oftentimes in the world of politics, our worst fears are not realized, and just as often, do not reach levels that are more than just worrisome.  This is not one of those times.

Take a good look at the picture above.  When you have people who show up at rallies for Donald Trump that are eerily reminiscent of Hitler's rallies in Nazi Germany, when you have people who refuse to believe the fact that Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election despite there being absolutely no evidence that he won, when you have people working in your government who are actively trying to destroy the country from within, and when you have people who refuse to look out for their fellow countryman in the wake of a pandemic, you have the same makings for a people to look upon anyone who is not like them as being nothing more than animals to be led to their slaughter.  Anyone who does not believe the current incarnation of the GOP is inching closer and closer to becoming America's version of Nazi Germany is kidding themselves.

If the republicans take the House and Senate in 2022, and Trump the White House in 2024, people of color, Jews, atheists, Liberals, and anyone who isn't a white Christian will be facing a future much like the one in the photo above.

And considering the inhuman sickness currently permeating the republican party, it will make Auschwitz look like a bicycle ride on a warm spring day.

People Who Refuse the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Why Our Lives Can't Return to Normal


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