Saturday, February 27, 2021

How can a poor man stand such times and live?

I second that emotion...

 Of the many nice consequences of the end of Donald Trump's time in the White House is that I can again begin to focus on issues other than what an inept bozo Trump was and/or the horrific state he left America in with his shit show administration.  Like the greatest long term threat to America's future--income inequality.

Three studies have come to light of late that highlight how the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us keep getting a smaller share of the pie:
  • The first shows that millionaires and billionaires own 80% of the wealth in America, up from 60% in 1989.  If this rate continues, they will hold 99% of the wealth in the United States by 2050, leaving the rest of us to eat Soylent Green, one supposes.
  • The second notes that there are 644 billionaires in America and that combined they have added an extra $930 billion to their net worth over the last year by cashing in on the pandemic.  That's enough money to give every man, woman, and child in America almost $30,000.  That would be money for people who actually need it to survive, not for those who are on an ego trip to see who can garner the most cookies.
  • I was shocked--shocked I tell you--to find there was yet another study (measured over the last fifty years) that proves that tax cuts for the wealthy do not trickle down to the poor and the middle class to either increase their net worth or provide more jobs.  All that tax cuts for the wealthy succeed in doing is making the rich richer and the rest of us live without essential services the government can no longer afford.
"So on we worked, and waited for the light/And went without the meat, and cursed the bread/And Richard Cory, one calm summer night/Went home and" in his private jet, flew to his private island, dined on caviar and champagne, partied with movie stars, and the rest of us sucked on it.

At least until we tire of a rigged game--at which point, anything will go.

524,000+ Dead Americans Because of Trump's Incompetence


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