Friday, February 19, 2021

Chain, chain, chain--chain of fools

Dinner at the Gates' household

 Bill Gates said this week that it would be "a shame" if Facebook permanently banned Donald Trump for his egregious actions fomenting a coup in our country.

For the life of me, I see no reason why Trump's banning would be a shame.  He lied over 30,000 times in his four years in office.  Trump bolstered white nationalists and encouraged their violent tendencies--in case Gates is too ignorant (not unlikely for such a self-centered man) to figure it out, white nationalists literally want anyone who isn't white dead or returned back to slavery.  Trump continually incited his followers with lies about our election which eventually led to them trying to overthrow a legitimately elected President.  Lying is not protected speech and we have laws to protect us from it.  While racism may be protected, encouraging violence is not and racism is not protected from the backlash of public outrage.  Trump's actions concerning the insurrection--the cowardice of 43 GQP Senators notwithstanding--were sedition, also not protected.

Frankly, the only person Gates cares about is himself (consider his non-profit, which was pretty much set up to be not a charity but a way to confirm his worldview--epic fail!)--my guess is that he either has a financial stake in Facebook or else Microsoft profits in some way from people using Facebook.  Well, that or he's just looking out for his fellow rich white assholes--after all, racism only affects poor folks, am I right?

One of the few things I'm going to regret when my time on this earth is through is that I won't have lived long enough to see the look on the faces of pigs like Bill Gates when enough Americans rise up and put our pitchforks straight on up their privileged pathetic asses, and they realize that all of their money isn't going to be enough to stop their epic and long overdue ruination.

507,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence


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