Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Sarah, plain and dull

A real President

 In his new book, Promised Land, President Barack Obama reminisced about how the republican slide into lunacy began with Sarah Palin.

This apparently hurt snowflake (is it okay if I call you Sarah?) Sarah's feefees, and she went on Newsmax (what the fuck is Newsmax? I've been following politics for forty-five years and never once have I heard of Newsmax) and said how happy she was that she was living in Obama's head and that he didn't understand their movement and that she and lamebrain Donnie gave voice to the voiceless.

Where to begin?
  • Relatively certain that Obama spends close to zero time thinking about Sarah fucking Palin.  If I recall correctly he actually had a country to run over his two terms, while Sarah was busy...not being able to complete one term as Governor of the sprawling state of Alaska.
  • As far as Obama being unable to grasp their "movement," he must have at least grasped the family values part.  If I'm not mistaken, unlike Sarah, the Obama marriage has actually survived and neither of his daughters have had a child out of wedlock.
  • As for those voiceless folks?  That would be racists--who if we truly had a competent media, would have remained in the sewer where they belong.
  • Obama is so out of touch that he was busy this past fall campaigning to overflow crowds for Joe Biden while the most notable achievement Palin has over the past several years was a picture with two of the lamest rock stars ever, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent, in the Oval Office.
  • One thing that Obama understands is because of his intelligence, success, and charisma that he doesn't have to embarrass himself singing out of tune on a lame ass show like The Masked Singer.
  • Did I mention that Palin's movement was so successful that Democrats have now won the White House three out of the last four elections?
Frankly, Sarah should hop back on the train to Loserville because that's where she and landslide loser Donnie belong.

254,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Fuck Donald Trump,

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