Friday, May 1, 2020

How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm?

It's a whole new world...
Lindsay Graham told a group of South Carolina businessmen this week that another federal stipend (like the current $600 a week being added to unemployment benefits) in the next stimulus package would only happen over his dead body (he should give thanks we're a peaceful sort or most assuredly we could grant that request), as it was more money than most folks make and would not be conducive to their risking their lives returning to work for the peanuts they currently earn.  In the same breath he also warned that businesses would have to be careful how it's handled lest they piss off the miserable  bastards having to return to piss poor paying jobs.

Probably a bit late for that--most of those folks making $7.25 an hour to put away folks smelly bowling shoes or themselves reeking of cooking grease after flipping their fucking burgers are probably already pretty pissed about it.

You'll note that Senator Graham didn't mention what would be the one obvious solution to their dilemma:  raising the minimum wage.  Democrats have already passed a bill in the house raising it to $15,00 an hour,  so all it needs is a vote in the Senate.  While it wouldn't be worth losing one's life over, at least the survivors could afford a decent funeral (especially if hazard pay was added to that).

But that wouldn't help their wealthy benefactors who have shown again and again that they are more than happy to let them die stocking shelves for pennies as long as they can float between their first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth homes or sail out to sea on their yachts to keep themselves safe.

The rest of us can just eat cake.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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