Monday, December 31, 2018

Out with the old, in with the new

She--and others like her--is the future of our party

In several interviews this week as her worthless ass exits the Senate, former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill has taken pot shots at incoming New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling her a "bright shiny object," wondering what she did to deserve all the attention she's getting, and giving the usual republican lite Democrat warning about the party moving too far to the left to appeal to white working class voters (who aren't going to vote for us anyway).

Not really sure what McCaskill did to earn her soapbox...can't think of a single thing she accomplished while in the Senate other than being a DINO, a wishy washy vote for Democratic policies, and absolutely getting her ass handed to her last November by Josh Hawley in the biggest Democratic wave election since 1974.  Heck of a job, McCaskill!

Thankfully, Ocasio-Cortez isn't one of those wishy washy Democrats, and fired back at McCaskill, specifically faulting her for supporting Trump's agenda and getting beat badly while progressive policies were passing in her home state of Missouri.  And I believe we are going to see a lot more striking back at centrist Democrats, who have played a crucial role in where the country is today due to their lack of fortitude and political cowardice.  About goddamn time.

Ocasio-Cortez and those like her are the future of our party, and one need only look at how scared republicans are of an incoming freshman to appreciate the scope of what she's accomplished--which is to get people talking about our policies and how much good they do for ordinary Americans in comparison to the republican (and McCaskill like Democrats) agenda of fealty to the wealthy elite and Corporate America.

As for McCaskill, I'd be willing to bet she's angling for one of those Fox News Democrats Who Toe the Republican Line pundit jobs.

And as to the loss of her in the U.S. Senate, frankly it's good bye and good fucking riddance.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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