Sunday, August 26, 2018

Killing God

Too good...

It's easy to forget as we sift through all the filthy silt that is the Trump Administration, that every so often a small nugget of gold is found.  And one of those gold nuggets these days is the permanent damage being done to organized religion, specifically the religious right and the Catholic Church, in lieu of their rabid support for a corrupt, racist, homophobic, misogynistic pervert, namely, Donald Trump, and for social issues which are becoming increasingly out of the mainstream

To wit:

  • Four Catholic priests campaigned for Donald Trump last month in Montana--throwing their support behind a man who lies unabashedly, has had numerous extramarital affairs, has broken the law, and has proven himself to be an abject racist.  Apparently the golden rule doesn't apply in Montana...
  • The church once again has found itself mired in another in a long line of sexual abuse scandals, this time in Pennsylvania, where a grand jury found over three hundred priests who preyed on children.  The grand jury also found evidence of a cover-up by both the local dioceses and the Vatican.  Naturally, the staunchly conservative Catholic League jumped to the defense of the pervert parade.  I've said it before and I'll say it again--what the fuck is it exactly with conservatives and defending pedophiles?  It's reached the point where their moral standards are just sick.
  • Catholic Charities in Buffalo, NY, has decided that rather than comply with the state's laws barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, they are ending their adoption programs (based on their view of biblical bullshit).  This has also happened through the years in Catholic Charities located in Boston, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Illinois.  Apparently, it's a matter of suffer the little children to come unto anyone other than the Catholic Church.
If the young people of today can see through the hypocrisy of the NRA, then most assuredly they will be able to see through the hypocrisy of organized religion.  And the sooner it can be relegated to the fringes of our society where it belongs, the better.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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