Sunday, August 26, 2018

I had a good laugh this week

Guffaw or gut buster, you decide!

Though I stopped reading any of Donald Trump's tweets (yawn) or what he says in interviews (yawn again) a while back, I still see the headlines and read some of the reporting on whatever bullshit he's disseminating, and I usually have one of two reactions:  90% of the time it's anger, and the other 10% of the time it's utter bewilderment at the sheer scope of ignorance.  Never once have I laughed--until this week.

Seems Trump was being interviewed and was asked to give himself a grade for his Presidency, and Trump answered A+.  He further compounded the lunacy when he claimed that the stock market would crash if he was impeached based on what was inside his head--and  everyone who knew air was responsible for the stock market tanking please raise your hand....  There's was something about the profound delusion displayed by Trump, a man who in a little less than two years has managed to stake a virtually unchallenged claim as the worst President in our history, that was truly funny.

Seriously, the whole spectacle was a bit like watching someone noticing there was a stink floating throughout the room and not realizing it was caused by their own fart.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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