Thursday, January 19, 2017

The man who would be the Ayatollah of America

Jesus was such a wimp...

Any folks who think the choice of  Mike Pence as Donald Trump's Vice President wasn't orchestrated by the powers that be in the republican party (most notably the Koch Brothers, the DeVos family, and Sheldon Adelson, among others) are seriously deluding themselves.  Should Donald Trump be unable to finish his term (not a prediction, it's just a possibility), or decide against a second term, or even eight years from now, Mike Pence would be their perfect wet dream, a capitalistic Theocrat.

The rest of us would not be so lucky.

Pence and his cult (aka, the religious right) seriously believe that God loves unfettered capitalism and that feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, and being tolerant of others has nothing to do with Jesus' call to love your neighbor as yourself.  Separation of chuch and state to them is for sissies--they believe this country should be run by white Christians for white Christians.  The rest of us are going to hell anyway, so our cares and concerns don't really matter.

And with the country overwhelmingly run by republicans, Pence and his minions would be free to discriminate against the LGBT community, disenfranchise minorities, and to fight to keep women in the kitchen just like he did in Indiana.

And the United States would eventually grow up to be just like...Iran.


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