Thursday, October 13, 2016

Answering for Santino

As it is beginning to appear that the 2016 Presidential Election is all over save the hooting and hollering of the victors (which would be--yay!--us), one has to wonder if the national media will ever hold the republican party and its leadership/congressional delegation accountable for trying to foist upon the American electorate one Donald J. Trump, a man who has no business being within 10,000 feet of the Presidency.  While they may answer that they can't control their voters primary choice, that really seems like little more than another in a long line of republican excuses that are just so much bullshit.  Either you have the courage to stand up for what's best for America or you don't, and republicans, for all their blather about toughness, are appearing quite weak-kneed.

How can they stand before the American people and be believed when they say they have our best interests at heart?  How can they stand before the American people and claim to want what's best for our nation?  While republicans have nominated (and elected) numerous incompetent boobs to the Oval Office, nominating a man who could literally destroy the country is beyond the pale.

I'm not holding my breath, but somebody needs to call on the republican party and have them answer for what they were willing to do to this great country in the name of expediency.


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