Wednesday, May 4, 2016

And the winner is...

...not Donald Trump.

Look, you're going to have the media and the political parties telling you for the next six months that some poll shows him ahead of Hillary Clinton or some pundit thinks he can win.

He can't--the media just wants to claim a horse race so they can sell more advertising, and the pundits just want to sell more books to gullible republicans.

I can think of no realistic scenario whereby Trump wins--not a financial collapse and not a terrorist attack.  Both will just point out what a lightweight he really is.  Thirty percent of the electorate in this election will be minorities--with his hateful rhetoric, Trump will be lucky to get ten percent of that vote.  Even if he wins the white vote as overwhelmingly as Romney did in 2012 (not guaranteed), it's still going to be an ass kicking.

Still don't believe it?  Well the big money boys are already putting their money into races they might win--like possibly keeping control of the Senate.  And not spending it on Trump.

Frankly, I think the only mystery on election day this November is how many seats the Democrats pick up in the Senate--and I don't think 8 is impossible.

Remember, you heard it here first...


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