Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Day old bread

Aged and tired Senators John McCain of Arizona and Chuck Grassley of Iowa were in the news (yawn...) again this week.  McCain made the bold claim that based on republican primary turnout they won't need Latino voters in 2016 to win elections (bullshit, but please keep believing it), and Grassley for whining that he (deservedly) might well lose in his umpteenth re-election bid this November thanks to his utter incompetence as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committe, fiddle farting around while the Supreme Court opening left by Antonin Scalia's death remains vacant.  If America wants two faces to best describe everything that's wrong with Congress, I can't think of two better ones than McCain and Grassley.  McCain hasn't met an American soldier he wouldn't gladly send off to be killed in another pointless war, and Grassley has been republicans' best lap dog, following the orders of lightweights like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner for so long now that it's impossible to believe he's capable of thinking for himself.

It's hard to think of two Senators who have spent the amount of time these two have in the Senate (thirty years for McCain and thirty-six for Grassley) and have accomplished less.  McCain seems to get by because he's a war hero (plenty of war heroes in America who have not sucked on the public teat for thirty years and have actually accomplished something other than getting re-elected).  Grassley, on the other hand, is famed for visiting each of Iowa's ninety-nine counties each year (and this accomplishes for the American people exactly what?).

While it's unlikely, there is nothing better the voters of Arizona and Iowa could do this November than send these two into permanent retirement.  Stale, indolent, and inert are not what the American people need from their representatives in Washington, and at this juncture that's pretty much all we're getting from McCain and Grassley.


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