Thursday, April 21, 2016


There's a movement afloat called "Bernie or Bust" wherein participants are vowing that if Sanders doesn't win the Democratic nomination, they'll stay home come Election Day this November.

I won't speak for most Democrats, but I became a member of the Democratic Party because, at least in theory (doesn't always work as it should in today's world), Democrats put people first.  While we have never been perfect, politically we've done a lot more good than ill for the American people.  And that's why our tent is so much bigger than republicans--we're a party of the people, not of overzealous religious organizations or greedy corporate trusts.

I would be hard pressed in my forty years of following the Democratic Party and its liberal wing to find a movement that was more short-sighted than the Bernie or Bust movement.  There would be very real consequences for very real people, most of whom are going to be poor and minorities, if the republican party held all three branches of our government.  And, no, it wouldn't lead to a the revolution so many of its supporters dream would happen--just ask the folks in Wisconsin and my current home state of Michigan, where Scott Walker and Rick Snyder cruised to re-election despite running their prospective states down the shitter.

When you sign on with an organization like Bernie or Bust, you are the antithesis of everything Liberals stand for--you are in effect saying principles are more important than people.

And you should be voting republican in this fall.


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