Thursday, October 8, 2015

Beware ye of the forked tongue

This, from Linda Upmeyer, the current speaker-elect of the Iowa House of Representatives:

"That's what elections are for, right?  Then, we need to go home and talk to the public and the public can send people to Des Moines that are going to represent their views accurately and consistently."

Fucking seriously?

I'm not sure if you have to admire the chutzpah of republican politicians or pity the ignorance of republican voters, but the idea of republicans representing the views of ordinary Americans accurately is Fantasy Island on steroids.  To wit:

  • Americans overwhelmingly support Social Security.  Republicans want to privatize it.  Kowtowing to Wall Street accurately represents our views exactly how?
  • American overwhelmingly support Medicate.  Republicans want to turn it into a voucher system.  Drooling over the insurance industry accurately represents us in what alternate universe?
  • Americans overwhelmingly support immigration reform.  Republicans have blocked it at every turn.  Cowering to racists accurately represents us because....
  • Americans overwhelmingly support stronger background checks on gun purchases.  Republicans won't let it so much as come up for a vote.  Sucking up to the NRA and the gun industry accurately represents us on what other planet?
  • Americans overwhelmingly support the right to choose and have come to accept gay marriage.  Republicans are still pissing away tax dollars and valuable time on settled issues.  Grovelling to the religious right accurately represents us in what godforsaken way?
You get the gist.

Frankly, the only views in this country that republicans accurately represent are the moneyed interests and the crazies in their base, which leaves the vast majority of Americans shit out of luck.

But Rep. Upmeyer was right about republicans being consistent--they've been consistently bad for the country for as long as I can remember....


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