Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jeb! lives

Despite the death knells of recent days, I'll play devil's advocate and say that I still think Jeb! Bush will be the republican nominee in 2016.   While Bush's poll numbers have indeed fallen, he's still in the thick of it and is nowhere near becoming an afterthought like Scott Walker.  He's raised a ton of money and shows no signs of slowing down.  I think his using his brother to raise campaign cash is a purposeful reminder to the powers that be that George W. won two Presidential elections that weren't guarantees and that the Bush family knows how to win (actually governing, though, be damned).  Even when he campaigns, like he did recently in Cedar Falls, IA, he's not feeding the crowd red republican primary meat--he's talking like a Presidential nominee, discussing education and foreign policy.

The only candidate that wouldn't surprise me if he beat Bush would be Marco Rubio--only because the power brokers in the republican party might decide to go with young and new over tried and true.  But they'd be getting essentially the same candidate.

And even though I'm supporting Bernie Sanders, I still think Hillary Clinton is going to trounce Bush come November 2016.

Y'all can thank me in Jamuary of 2017 when the first Democratic Socialist is being sworn in as President of the United States after crushing Donald Trump on the first Tuesday of November 2016...


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