Monday, February 23, 2015

Hysteria on steroids

Ever since 9/11, I've often thought that if terrorists really wanted to hurt America, they'd hit us where we live.  Toss a bomb in a shopping center in Peoria, a few days later one at a mall in Tulsa, another day or two and pitch one in a movie theater in Topeka--the death toll wouldn't even have to be high to send Americans into an apeshit frenzy that would make our collective reaction after 9/11 look like having a glass of wine while listening to Enya in comparison.

[I've never mentioned it--in all sincerity--out of fear that some numbnuts would read it and proclaim that the attacks were all the fault of that emaycee fucker.  Yeah, me of the blog with the three regular readers.]

Lo and behold, this week Somanlian terrorists are purported to have called for attacks on shopping centers in the United States (The Mall of America in Minneapolis to be exact), Canada, and other western nations.

There are those--and perhaps correctly--who are questioning whether these are really threats or just political propaganda in the face of the imminent shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security, but whether real or imagined, I'd just as soon not have to deal with attacks that would cause far too many Americans to jump out of their shorts every time some doofus decides to flick a firecracker down an aisle at Wal-Mart.

Life's hard enough just trying to survive financially in America these days without adding a trip to the psycho circus into the mix every time we need groceries.


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